We are excited to tell you that Public Trustee will soon be implementing a new financials system so we can provide better service to our customers and quicker payments to service providers.

As a valued provider of goods or services to the Public Trustee in support of our customers we are pleased to advise that our new system will enable us to electronically read invoices sent to us for payment, which we anticipate will enable us to process payments faster and more efficiently.

To ensure that you receive payment as quickly as possible and to avoid the requirement for manual intervention by the Public Trustee there are a number of things you need to know.

  • We will only process invoices that are sent to us electronically and will no longer accept invoices sent in paper form.  All invoices must be sent electronically to CustomerInvoices@PublicTrustee.sa.gov.au as an email attachment in .pdf or .jpg format
  • The CustomerInvoices@PublicTrustee.sa.gov.au email address must only be used for customer invoices.  The system will only recognise the invoice attachment and will disregard any other correspondence, including any information contained in the email itself.  Any communication other than invoices should be emailed to PT.CustomerEnquiries@sa.gov.au.
  • For an invoice to be automatically read by our system it must contain;
    • The full name of our customer
    • The Invoice Number/Reference Number
    • Amount to be paid
    • Public Trustee’s customer reference number (or Customer CAE).  This is a 13 digit alpha-numeric reference number containing 7 numbers, 2 letters and 4 more numbers – e.g. 1234567FG0100.  You will find this number on any correspondence you receive from the Public Trustee including your remittance advices.  If you do not have a copy of the current customer reference number, please let us know and we will provide this information to you
    • Payee details – to whom is payment to be made
    • If you have an ABN your ABN number; and
    • EFT or BPay details.

    If this information is not provided there may be delays in processing your payment.

    If you have any queries including questions around the Customer CAE please do not hesitate to contact us by return email to PT.CustomerEnquiries@sa.gov.au.